Senate Bill 823
SB 823 realigns all youth committed to the California Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) back to the counties and calls for the closure of DJJ by June 30, 2023.
SB 823 Realignment Plan and Addendums Submitted April 2023
We are accepting applications for the SB 823 Subcommittee. We are seeking representatives from County Districts 1 through 5, as well as a Youth Representative.
SB 823 Subcommittee Member Application
NEW - To submit Public Comments in reference to SB 823, please email to
SB 823 realigns all youth committed to the California Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) back to the counties and calls for the closure of DJJ by June 30, 2023. Beginning July 1, 2021, DJJ will cease intakes of new youth, with a limited number of exceptions.
It establishes a Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant and the funding associated will be granted to the counties, beginning July 2021, provided a plan is submitted. The plan must be developed by a collaborative body chaired by the Chief Probation Officer, and comprised of a representative from the Court, District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Social Services, Mental Health, County Office of Education (or school districts), and at least three community members who have experience as a community-based youth services provider, justice advocate, or directly involved in the system. The plan must describe the facilities, programs, placements, services, supervision, and re-entry strategies that are needed to provide appropriate rehabilitation.
To prevent an increase in adult transfer cases as a result of the DJJ closure, the legislation extends the local jurisdiction age to 23 years old. Additionally, it requires youth who began in the Juvenile Justice System to remain in the Juvenile Facilities, minimally, until the youth is 19 years of age. At 19 years old, the county can petition for youth to be transferred to an adult detention facility. Additionally, a separate dispositional track will be established for higher need youth by July 1, 2021, to avoid an increase in transfers of youth to adult jurisdiction.
The California Office of Youth and Community Restoration will be established in the California Health Care Service Agency. It will be required to evaluate the effectiveness of local programs utilized for the realigned youth. OYCR will also assume the duties and authority associated with DJJ.
SB 823 Subcommittee Members
Agency | Name and Title |
Chief Probation Officer (CPO) - Chair |
Brian K. Ford, CPO |
District Attorney's Office |
Pamela Price, District Attorney Tiffaney Gipson, Advancing Justice Division Head (Designee) |
Public Defender's (PD) Office |
Brendon Woods, PD Alphonso Mance, Deputy PD (Designee) |
Alameda County Social Services Agency |
Andrea Ford, Agency Director Michelle Love, Asst Agency Director (Designee) |
Alameda County Behavioral Health |
Karyn Tribble, Director Juan Taizan, Director, Forensic, Diversion, & Re-entry Services (Designee)
Alameda County Office of Education |
Alysse Castro, Superintendent Monica Vaughan, Chief of Schools (Designee) |
Alameda County Bar Association |
Andrea Zambrana Director, Court Appointed Attorneys Program (CAAP) |
Delinquency Prevention Network (DPN) |
Emily Young, Co-Chair |
Free Our Kids Coalition |
Ericson Amaya |
Court Representative |
Honorable Judge Scott Jackson |
Oakland Police Department |
Floyd Mitchell, Oakland Chief of Police Lt. Marcos Campos (Designee) |
Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention Commission (JJDPC) |
Vamsey Palagummi, Chair |
Community Member District 1 Representative |
Vacant |
Community Member District 2 Representative |
Nicole Berrow |
Community Member District 3 Representative |
Hugo Amaya |
Community Member District 4 Representative |
Kelvin Potts |
Community Member District 5 Representative |
Erin Palacios |
Youth Representative |
Jesus Cortez |
Click on the link below to view all meeting dates, agendas, and minutes related to SB 823
Education, Vocational Training, & Reentry
Core Programming & Facilities
Mental Health, Specialized Treatment, & Family Engagement