Contact Us
By Mail
Alameda County Probation Department
PO Box 2059
1111 Jackson Street
Oakland, CA 94607-2059
By Telephone
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Contracted Vendors/Service Providers Complaints
The Alameda County Probation Department welcomes valid complaints about its service or personnel. Your constructive comments provide an open channel of communication between the Probation Department and the community, which enables us to maintain the highest possible standards.
Contracted Vendors/Service Providers Complaint Procedure
Probation Department Employee Complaint
Citizens who file complaints are treated respectfully and the accusations against employees are taken seriously. All complaints are investigated thoroughly and all findings are based upon the impartial evidence gained during the investigation.
Probation Department Employee Complaint Procedure
Public Records Act Request
The California Legislature has declared that access to information concerning the conduct of the people’s business is a fundamental and necessary right of every person in the state (Government Code § 6250 et seq.).