
Alameda County’s Community Advisory Board (CAB)

Supporting Successful Transitions from Jail & Prison Back to The Community

What Does the CAB Do?

CAB advises county department leaders, including the District Attorney, Public Defender, Probation Chief, Health Care Services Agency Director & others on policy, program and the annual multi-million-dollar budget related to implementing prison realignment in Alameda County.

Seeks to promote innovation and best practice for jail and prison reentry services in the areas of housing, employment, education, physical and emotional wellness, addictions recovery, and family reunification.

Effective : 04/12/2023

District 1 - 2 Vacancies

District 2 - 2 Vacancies

District 3 - 2 Vacancies

District 4 - 2 Vacancies

District 5 - 1 Vacancy