Probation Department Employee Citizen Complaint
The Importance of Your Complaint
Citizens who file complaints are treated respectfully and the accusations against employees are taken seriously. All complaints are investigated thoroughly and all findings are based upon the impartial evidence gained during the investigation. If it is determined that a complainant has knowingly made a false accusation against an employee, the employee has the right to pursue civil litigation against their accuser. However, we support any citizen that has a valid complaint to exercise their right to file such complaint when they feel it is warranted.
The Alameda County Probation Department permits grievances lodged by anyone regardless of immigration status and to assess whether such grievances may lead to any negative immigration consequences.
The Alameda County Probation Department allows for immigrants and refugees regardless of status to lodge grievances when no negative immigration consequences would result.
The Alameda County Probation Department prohibits discrimination on the basis of immigration status, citizenship status, or refugee status.
Complaint Against a Probation Department Employee
The Alameda County Probation Department welcomes valid complaints about departmental employees. When filing a complaint, please be prepared to provide as much detail as possible (ex: names, dates, times, badge numbers, locations, etc.) to assist us in thoroughly investigating the matter.
You can submit a complaint to the Probation Department in the following ways:
- In person – At any Probation Department location within the Alameda County.
- By phone – Through the Internal Affairs Office at (510) 268-7999.
By Mail – Send a letter describing your complaint to the following address:
Alameda County Probation Department
Internal Affairs Unit
2300 Fairmont Drive, Las Vistas I
San Leandro, CA. 94578
The Investigation Process
Once a complaint is received, a Supervisor or Manager will contact you within 5 business days to resolve the matter. In some instances the Supervisor or Manager may be able to provide an explanation to your satisfaction or resolve your matter immediately. In instances when this does not occur, the complaint will then be given a case number and assigned to the Internal Affairs Units for further investigation or review.
Investigations may require you to participate in an interview. During the interview, the following things may be required of you:
- You may be recorded, videotaped or asked to write a statement
- You will be asked for names of witnesses and other employees that may know facts about your complaint; and
- Photographs may be taken of any injuries, damage or evidence related to the nature of the complaint
The Disposition
Any complaint can be made anonymously, without giving your name; however, you cannot be informed as to the result of your complaint if you choose to remain anonymous. If you make your identity known, you will be advised of the disposition of each complaint.
After a thorough investigation, you will be notified and your complaint will be classified with one of the following dispositions:
- Unfounded: The allegation has no basis of fact or has been disproved through the investigation.
- Not Sustained: The allegation can neither be proved nor disproved and no further action is to be considered.
- Sustained Justified: The alleged act or failure to act is found to be true; however, such act or failure to act is permitted, or at least not prohibited, by this Department or was appropriate under the circumstances in this case.
- Sustained: When the investigation discloses that the act reported did occur and constituted misconduct or improper job performance.
- Resolved & Successfully Closed: The allegation was a matter that required an action to be taken or performed to the client’s satisfaction.
- Unresolved & Successfully Closed: The allegation was a matter that required an action to be taken or performed to the client’s satisfaction, but the Department was unable to satisfy the request due to reasons of policy violation, legal restrictions, resource limitations or professional discretion.
We make ever effort to resolve complaints as soon as possible, but generally one can expect to receive a written disposition within 30 days of the initial investigation or review of the complaint, given a full name and address is provided.